Forgot I had these stored away - Ram Laser FX --Forged (made in USA)..
The crazy thing is that they were the game improvement alternative
to the Golden Ram Tour Grind TW76 (loved them) !!!

Beautiful razor thin top line, great finish, cavity back & slightly oversize.
Just a forged, made-in-USA beauty.

I may just shaft up this 4 iron and give it a go for S & G's ...

I remember really wanting those. I think it was more because Watson (Tom) was shilling for Ram at the time, but I love(d) the way they look.


    Yeah, I fell for both the Golden Ram Tour Grind and the Laser FX. Both were excellent.
    Still have the Tour Grinds - tiny,butter knifes.

    Back then, our athletic department had an account with Ram. That helped in FGI

    I have a SW in the line...not gold....that I love. Wondered about the rest of the set as I hit the SW so well.

    Sweet sticks, Dan.

    Indeed, John.

    I'd post a pic of the Tour Grind, but I'm concerned with hurting fellow Buzzer's eyes.