Probably should've bowed out several posts ago when you admitted knowing little about this case. One last time, although I know it will once again go over your head.
Let's try another route.
If three people are accused of a conspiracy and two of the three people's cell phones are handed over, but one does not hand theirs over, any conspiracy involving the person who did not hand over his phone will be implicated because of the two phones that were handed over, if there's any evidence of all three being involved in said conspiracy.
There was no evidence on Jastremski's and McNally's (Patriots issued) cell phones implicating Brady at all. And only speculation and conjecture as to whether they themselves were part of any conspiracy involved in tampering with footballs.
So, logic would say even if Brady handed over his phone there would be nothing implicating him with any conspiracy with Jastremski and McNally. Unless you know of other parties involved in this unproven conspiracy?
Bottom line. Brady's cell phone is a red herring issue. Anything he said implicating himself would be on Jastremski's and McNally's phones.
Since the NFL's unproven theory was all three were involved you'd only need one cell phone to prove all three's involvement. They had two which was one too many. Yet haters latch onto this smokescreen like it's a Perry Mason ah ha moment.
Enjoyed the back and forth. Always worth the effort to try an educate a hater on this case. Even though it's an exercise in futility.
Oh, if you want a real conspiracy look no further than the main stream sports medias lack of in depth coverage on Peyton Manning's HGH allegations. Nah, we'd rather make a federal case over psi levels in footballs.