I completely understand. Like Sneaky said - inconsistency is very much part of the game.
It's a mindless conundrum, this game. My lowest rounds this season (73 and 74) came in tournaments, back-to-back Sundays. Both days were cold, with low-mid 40's and extremely windy. Last week, in nicer warmer weather, my low round was 78. Slapped it around yesterday for 81. As much as I'd like to blame the aerated greens, it was still a very sloppy round. I might've broken 80 under normal green conditions, but that would've been about as good as it would've otherwise been.
And then, of course, I will reference my buddy who I played with. He's played rather crappy golf the past few weeks, but shot 74 yesterday on those freshly punched greens.
Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the squirrel that darts out onto the road and gets run over by a Prius.