I have some true temper shafts that I do not know what model they are.
I have had them a number of years and I am hoping someone here may
be able to identify them
They are 40" long.
Tip to first step is 13.5".
Then there are 12 steps covering 15".
Then 2 steps covering 4".
Then 7.5" to butt.
They are sensicore shafts. There is a faint R300 stamp near the butt.
I think I bought these 15+ yrs ago at an unclaimed freight type store.
Any help would be appreciated.

If you could weigh them, you could probably narrow down the model- most likely they are dynamic golds but they could be dynalite gold too or dynamic gold sl.

Years ago it seems like I remember that TT had this info on their website along with diagrams of each of their shafts. I don't see it on their site anymore.

    Rickochet Years ago it seems like I remember that TT had this info on their website along with diagrams of each of their shafts. I don't see it on their site anymore.

    They did and why they got rid of it makes zero sense. I think it was a PDF file or something like that.

      LBlack14 They did and why they got rid of it makes zero sense. I think it was a PDF file or something like that.

      I think about 15 years ago they changed their business model and required vendors to carry much more inventory. My local vendor couldn't do it so he dropped the TT line.

      They still have drawings of the current shafts but not for the classics.
      Not nice