Yeah? Well just try buying them a PVR and watch the sh-tstorm! That's what I've been dealing with lately. I spoke with a woman from Telus (as I was trying to work something out for my mom and dad) and she was laughing and told me that she finally took every button off her parents' remote except for the ones they need. She said the trips to their house to fix TV problems dropped dramatically.
One funny story, though. It's not so much the TV as the computer that I am always having to help my dad with. It's painful because I live more than an hour away, so we have to try fixing these things over the phone. One day I was getting particularly frustrated and I gave my eyes a heavy roll, slumped back into my chair, dropped my head to my chest with my eyes closed, and mouthed the word "FUUUUCK!" That's when I suddenly remembered we were talking via video chat! Luckily dad was focused on his computer screen when that happened, but it could have been pretty embarrassing.