Sports-oriented forum. And you guys want to talk politics.
Why here?
And I don't want to hear, "well that's what we would talk about at the 19th hole after the round."
(my PG rated response) - BS. Most of us don't talk politics during the round, or after a round of golf. It's not like the barmaid at the 19th beer hole has CSPAN tuned in on the TV at the bar and that's the topic of conversation. And if you do talk politics, then you're obviously either playing with like-minded individuals who agree with you (preaching to the crowd), or trying to "convert" those who see things differently from you. Why not grant people their own viewpoints? It's not like anyone is "converting" anyone at this stage of life here, in a sports message board.
What's the average age, here? I'm guessing it's upwards of 55 years of age. And you think you're going to somehow change someone's viewpoint, despite their experiences, their age? Good luck with that. You pretend to know much more about the people you debate with than you do in "reality."
I don't know exactly what Jrock's intentions were here... forgive me for assuming that he didn't want such discussions here creating divisiveness. I honestly don't know. Nor am I qualified to assume that the masses here want a PnR discussion section here.
But I feel safe in assuming that he wanted to create a place here that brought people together, who enjoy the game, who treasure the occasional success story out on the links. Or, perhaps, the fact that your favorite sports team somehow made it through a successful season. Or a life situation that perhaps some can offer some support and encouragement to help sustain you through the downtimes.
I just don't see why some people feel the need to change others political opinions, again, on a sport-related forum.
You want to make a real difference? Mobilize your efforts on your own homefront. Instead of being a keyboard warrior for change - perhaps it might be more successful partaking of such an endeavor beyond trying to convince retirement-aged individuals via a keyboard on the internet.
Given all the discontent that it creates in this particular internet-based "reality" - it would seem that you'd be more successful proclaiming your cause in real life... to real-life individuals in your community, where face-to-face conversations create real dialogue, versus the back-and-forth oneupmanship that tends to occur with people you don't know, who's life experiences you're not familiar with, whose opinion because of those said experiences might differ from your own viewpoint and aren't bound to change.
I just don't see the value of that discussion here. From either side.
Lifelong relationships worth holding onto are the ones that happen outside of feeling obliged to force your viewpoints down the throats of people you will never meet. You want to make a difference? Mobilize your efforts beyond a sports message board. Instead of trying to feel good about yourself by assuming that you're right and everyone else is wrong, that you've "done your job" to deliver your message - would it not be more valuable and worthwhile to do that with the people in your community?
That's where real change occurs. Not on social media, not on a sports-related message board.
But if that's what some wish this place to become - then it's time for me to move on. I didn't sign up for political bickering when I signed up here.
How hard is it to show some personal discipline and not venture into that discussion, to cause someone here to look at others differently because of their political leanings?
I play golf year-round with people whose political ideologies differ greatly from mine. The reason that hasn't prevented me from enjoying their companionship on the course, or sharing a beer and some grub with them after the round, is because politics never came up. And on those rare occasions it did - those who insisted in "going there" were quickly reminded that it wasn't appreciated and were left group-less. And we have a few of those at our club! Guys who simply can't refrain from voicing their political opinions and found themselves excommunicated from their respective groups.
There's enough divisiveness in the world as it is.
I'd love to stay a frequent poster here, but I will not be subjected to petty name calling and throat-ramming political viewpoints. And like I said earlier - a section designed for those discussions don't stay compartmentalized in that section. They bleed over and create problems.
I have no desire to "change the world" these days, other than through compassion and encouragement for those going through something, be it a down period in their game or a life situation that has rendered them hopeless, regardless of whether or not I agree with their political ideology.
It might be time for all of us to reevaluate "why" we participate here. And if the "why" is to force our political agendas upon others, to debate endlessly about why you're right and everyone else is wrong, to troll, name-call and espouse why we see things rightly while everyone sees things "wrongly" - then I have no purpose here.
I do not speak for everyone else.
I just know that I personally don't want to be subjected to that level of divisiveness here.
Again, with all of the political forums available these days - why bring that potential for discord here?
I won't be a part of it.