Weirfan ode Early version iirc, looks like an open design mold. At $95 plus shipping for a close to 20 year old component set the seller is dreaming unless he finds someone with a hard on for Dynacraft stuff. $50 shipped....maybe .
ode Weirfan not in the market, more curious when these came out as I remember just about every component iron from 2003ish on😓
sdandrea1 ode Same here, except it was more like 1997 when I started component hoing. I don't recall those heads.
puttnfool Tinker you don't think the ones linked in the OP are a good deal? Heck, if I didn't have a set of PC3 uprights, 1030b, and 1030cv heads in addition to the Wishon 550c/m set that I'm gaming, I'd probably snatch these up.
Tinker Companies like Bang and Alpha are trying to sell components from the same era for more than they cost 15 years ago
DC300 Those are older, there was a Snake eyes design out there that was very similar, I’m ball parking these are a 1998-2000 build. For me, I don’t think it’s an exceptional deal, but if you want them, it’s definitely not bad.