I just played 18 holes today with my ONE Maltby KE4 Tour iron in the bag.....it's the 7 iron on a graphite shaft
(senior flex). I debated whether to take both 7 irons along, but decided to "sink or swim" with the experimental club! I hit it GREAT! Hit 3 greens with it, missed 2, but hit those solidly (one push, one pull). I liked the solid
feeling and the fact that the sole is slightly narrower and does NOT have so much bounce as my Callaway XR set. Much easier to get through the turf. Distance was about the same as I expect out of my Cally #7.
A very solid club, IMO.....
I hope I get to play with it a couple of more times before the weather gets too bad to play (almost was today.....rained most of the night, and pretty windy, but temps in the high 50's, so OK to tee it up!). I'd like
to decide whether or not to build out the rest of the set before we go to Florida in January.....