ode https://www.golfworks.com/the-golfworks-putter-hosels/p/GW0138/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjevXo82a1gIVUgaGCh0qigGeEAQYASABEgIevvD_BwE These I guess.....did not know they existed until googling it.....now I have a ? for Nat.....do these essentially take the bend out for putter heads with a multi bend configuration?
LBlack14 This is what I have. Not sure how they measure or even why I have it, but it's here and I bought it for some reason or another.
Nat LBlack14 looks like the one that hireko used to make. More of a plumbers neck? How much you want for it?
LBlack14 This one weighs approx 45g. Ya know, I think it did come from Hireko. Still can't remember why I bought the damn thing.
Nat LBlack14 Landon, that's very kind. I'll send you some $ for shipping. Send me an email with your PayPal. Nathaniel321@yahoo.com. Thanks.
LBlack14 Nat Not necessary. Send your address to lanpayblack@yahoo.com I'll get it out tomorrow. Going to the PO anyway.
Nat Sent it today. Sorry for the delay, have been in a deep depression since my giants decided to suck