Ok, no, this is not a NSFW post. This is definitely golf related.
How much do you really think the ball plays in how well you play? For the first time since picking up the clubs again a few months ago, I put some decent balls into play. Again, this is definitely SFW.
Granted, they were probably 10 years old. They were Nike One Platinums that I've had since the mid-2000's. I've never considered myself a "great ball striker" and I never played for the ball to back up or even one bounce and stop. I've always relied on my trajectory to stop the ball because I hit a fairly high ball and many times, it comes in so steep, it stops near the ball mark.
Anyway, I got in 18 yesterday, and though I did not score well and lost 2 sleeves of balls, I hit some chips that I checked up faster than I ever have before. I hit a draw 8i into a par 3 that backed up about 2'. Now, I realize these aren't "Tour stats", I feel like once I get control of the ball and stop losing so many, a decent ball might help me out a bit.