If you are taking about the list of drugs .....they are what Tiger said he was taking and the ones listed in the arresting officers Police report , that report has been released and published ( you can look it up) Of note, I have given Tiger the benefit of the doubt that the drugs listed might not be accurate as he was pretty out if it and also thought he was in CA. That said he has officially stated that he took a mix of medications the next day in his apology and was in fact charged with a DUI.
Have a look at the news sometime, its full of opinions. Opinions take many forms, some are based on facts, some are based on beliefs , past experiences some based on speculation from available facts, ...crap , read any news article on Trump and the Russian connections and they are full of opinions, some informed , some speculative .
of course his handlers are on damage control , providing the mushroom treatment and carefully crafted statements , they always have done that , millions of dollars are at stake for him and them. The no alcohol revelation was huge. what happens going forward will depend on tox results and how Tiger responds and acts. he can turn this into a positive by doing the right thing and setting an example , getting help.
there were plenty of reports out the day of the arrest , and some of those subsequently changed. he was still arrested, charged and driving in a dangerous condition. He's admitted to taking a mix of medications, he wasn't drinking , as the initial info said, thankfully.
he's a highly polarizing celebrity that has a history and related to your question regarding questioning his veracity, he has many times been less that truthful to his family , fans and media so why wouldn't some question him. Even recently about his returns and health status hes said one thing and done another ...just a couple weeks ago said he felt the best he's ever felt, was 100% pain free but why is he needing to be so heavily medicated then? his dubious honesty in the past opens him up to question now. I suppose that we will know parts of the truth soon , when the toxicology reports are out. I did state that I speculate that it was vicodin and ambien ( which he has a history of using) or some other sleep drug that he mixed....why he decided to go for a ride at 2 am , we may never know. Myself and others have suggested that he might have an opiod addiction, its a reasonable assumption with a long history of needing pain meds for various surgeries , a history of addictive tendencies and based on what Jack said " Tiger needs our help" so there is a reasonable and informed basis to make that suggestion. Plus I spent 10+ years running large specialty treatment programs for people suffering from long term chronic pain and PTSD and associated addictions and problems . Tigers story could easily be one of the thousands I saw.
in the end what we have is a very sad and tragic situation and another Tiger incident ...a once great golfer who has slowly fallen deeper and deeper from that greatness since 2009 . There is no doubt in my mind that he must be having a difficult time dealing with it all and that has contributed to his current state. In his last event I was commenting he appeared more humble and relaxed , more normal, more friendly , engaging and less a-hole , I had hoped that we continued to see more of that while at the same time feeling that he was probably done. Like Jack, I do hope he gets the help he needs .