This week I watched the GC show on Jack Nicklaus. It was pretty good, and I'd forgotten how very good he was. The show brought that back to me. However, for many years I'd heard that he focused on a spot a few feet(yards?) in front of his golf ball to aim when he hit a shot. In the last of the 3 shows he explained how this method of aiming came about. When he first went across the pond to play in The Open, he had trouble finding an aiming point on the course since the links were so flat and featureless. There were no trees, etc. in the back or fore ground with which to align, so he picked a spot in front of his ball and used that. I've tried this method and can't seem to get it, so I generally pick a point in the fairway or background such as a tree, bunker, etc as an aiming point. So, my question is, does anyone else use Jack's method of aiming? And, if so, How do you do it? And why do you think it is better?