What to do with that cigar while hitting a shot? I have important answers! I've done extensive and exhaustive research for you to benefit from.
I started with the obvious one that is in every golf store:

It works - but that is all. I really didn't like it. Too much hassle clipping it in and getting it out. It would tend to damage the cigar in the process. Just poor IMO.
Then I purchased one of these:

I really like it. Its simple, doesn't damage the cigar, and is easy to put a cigar in and take it out. The trick is when the cigar is getting close to being finished (small) - it tends to drop in and be un-grabbable. Its only a small nuisance, I just remove the compadre from its perch and gently shake the cigar out. I'm usually about done with them by this time so it hasn't bothered me, but it is a minor flaw.
But now I have a golf bag that does not have sides where this little beauty can easily clip. The bags have gotten smarter for grabbing, but problematic for things like this that depend upon smooth vertical sides. Still works in a cart, but I'm a walker.
So what is a walker to do?
Well, after conducting all that fancy research I spoke of, I believe I have found a very unique and useful solution. It works everywhere! No clipping onto anything, no damage to the cigar, and no instructions required. Its intuitive as hell!
Now the best part - its cheap!
Behold you cigar smokers - here it is in all its glory!

You can thank me now.