In 1976, George Foreman fought Joe Frazier in a rematch of their earlier fight. It was the comeback chance for both, aimed to get the winner a chance to fight Ali for the title. It was at the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island.
In the run up to the fight, Foreman chose to stay at a private home instead of a hotel. The home his camp chose was mine. It was on the market, big enough and close enough. I was 13, mostly clueless, but I knew who Foreman was and was pretty pumped.
We (it was just my Mom and I) moved out for 2 weeks, but before we did we had the chance to meet Foreman, Gil Clancy his trainer, and the rest of his family and entourage. Foreman was so nice - a huge quiet man (this was before the transformation to the grill salesman). We also were given 5th row from ringside seats. I sat next to Ruben Hurricane Carter, and near so many other celebrities I can’t recall. Foreman won, it was an epic night.
Epilogue: we were asked to delay our return 1 day. It turned out George’s dog ate something and pooped all over our first floor rug - they had it professionally cleaned for us. He left us a handwritten note.