Rickochet Well, they've always stated they are 'independent contractors'. They know where the 'job' is. They know the hours of 'work'. And, they know the rules of the employer & have agreed to such, coming to 'work' for them.
Don't like the rules? Don't take the job!! Can't bitch after taking the job with the set rules. The way of life in the workforce, as I see it/do it. And that job pays damn well, every jobsite, every week. And they are all 'working' under the same rules.
Except.....there was a slight glitch this time. She did not sign an incorrect scorecard. How could she? Even though I think she cheated*, it should have been only the 2 strokes. Or DQ.
*She started to hit the putt, then stopped. Marked and moved the ball. She seen something in the way. Not a doubt in my mind.