Such a joke. If anyone is sitting on the toilet bored. Go look up the trade in value on clubs a year old. If you’re having trouble shitting, you won’t anymore.

Friend of mine last night was telling me he was going to trade in his Versa #7 putter with the stroke lab shaft from last year and buy whatever…. I said to him,” what do you think they’ll give you for that.” He said he bought it new last year, it has some chips in the paint, typical for painted putters. He’s thinking $100.

I go look it up on the “value guide”. Average condition, $30.08🙄🙄🙄. I call him over to look. He says “ f that” and laughed. He’s keeping it.

It’s amazing people trade in anything. I brought this up before. We had a guy come in with a set of TW irons, Stealth2 driver with a $350 shaft upgrade, spider putter.he was getting around $500 for everything. I looked at the list he had… the driver was a year old…$125 and the $350 velocore shaft upgrade they tacked on an extra $10… wtf right?

I talked to Rex one day about Callaway CPO raising the prices for their Black Friday discounts where stuff with their big discount was actually more than it was 3 weeks prior.

    Typhoon Callaway has their annual +50% trade-in going on right now. Last year I traded in my Apex irons, got the new Smoke HL and was only $68 OOP.
    I checked trading in the Smoke(7 irons) for the new Elyte and can only get 4, and would have to pay over $100 OOP!!

    I sold the Smoke irons last night for more than the +50% trade-in. And the fella drove 3 hrs. to pick them up. He figures he stole them.

    I've also checked TM, same shitty deals. Same for RBG. No one wants trade-in clubs any more.

    The only decent priced drivers on CPO are hidden in the 'Tour Inspired' section, FYI. Iron sets are still overpriced.

      Par4QC Yeah it sucks this year. Last year I traded stuff in during a 2X value deal and the values were reasonable so I got a new Ai Smoke for < $100 after the trade. I looked at the +50% this year, but the Ai Smoke and other stuff I have needs at least 2X value to make it worthwhile. No thanks.

      Yeah the +50% and 2x trade in deals get you excited until you walk through the door and say “ you’ve got to be kidding me”.

      And it’s not like they turn around and sell your stuff cheap either!!! Used sets are still out of control. That’s why I put the words “value guide” in quotations. It’s not a value to US.

      I’m at golfers warehouse now. Used Ping i530 5-p $800 stock steel. Last gen p790, stock shaft same set up same 800. Set of TM MC has been here for 3 years. Stock KBs tour 4-p for 999. On marketplace they would be $440

      Don't ever sell your clubs for cash to those guys (PGA Value Guide). You'll get your check in about 6 weeks......if you call and bug them.

      The entire market for about everything is headed towards a correction soon. At some point, people are going to stop overpaying for stuff.

      SMT I think this forum would be the component club value guide info place.😁. Guys here still hoarding their LaJolla Knife hybrids.

        They have you by the balls!

        Typhoon Sold them all!
        I should have kept a driver head, but damn, those things were loud even for a deaf person.

          Put it on marketplace and don't go out of your way for a potential no show.
          How much are these new tech putters going for on the PGA guide? It use to be that cars were the worst "investment" you could make.....

          Trade ins are an easy , hassle and stres free way to unload old gear. Some people are too busy or cant be bothered to try and spend the time dealing with a private sale.

          Whether it's trading in a golf club or a car, you'll most often get much more if you choose to sell it privately but that can be a royal PITA so most people I know just trade their stuff in. Drop the car off, dont have to do anything , no cleaning no nothing, just leave it and get the $$$$.

          One of my gigs is to offer a service to sell stuff for the people and take a commission above who don't want or cant be bothered. It can be a pain dealing with some folks but been doing it long enough to be good at the game. I've got a bunch of new in plastic Scotty putters up now and have them listed at > $200 of retail and get stupid offers and question, I just don't reply and block them. I've sold about 17 in the past 3 weeks. It used to be 90/10 good vs bad buyers but that's gone to about 60/40. To the point that I am upping my commission to 25% from 20.

          A friend upgraded and so has his old 35 foot boat he was going to trade in but I will now be selling it once the better weather arrives. ....he works 12 hour days at a stressful job so has zero time to do that shit.

          Plus with a trade , your payment is instantaneous. It can take months, even years to sell some stuff. I just sold a table that I had listed for 2 years and have 3500 sq feet of imported natural cut stone tiles that I have been trying to move for a year.