Hows this for embarassing...
I go to the golf store the other day and the Ping girl was there. I've seen her at the demo days for years. We have one in NH that is 3 days on a huge grass range. I basically go there and bring a cooler for the day.
So I she sees me and says, " hey! how are you doing!... we got NH in a couple weeks, are you going to be there?! You go to all these don't you. " Then she looks at me and says, " you;re the one with the Pingman tattoo aren't you!... Someone told me about you and you popped into my head...and you're here".
So I whipped it out for her...
I'm laughed at because nobody at the stores asks me if I need help, they just say, " what are you hitting today?" AND I end up helping people in the stores so they like to razz me about that.