Lexi is a bomb and gouger.....she does it very well.....her short game is just average to above average, and other than an obvious rules buggering, that is why she finished 2nd. As she gets older and more mature, hopefully she develops a bit more touch.
Other thoughts-
More players need to be involved on the rules committees and they need to have more input and stand there ground on things like this and demand an immediate change to the rules. If the usGA doesn't get in line then every player should take to twitter, write letters, use the mic to speak up until they cave.
Re: this thought that viewers should not call in and they are the problem is nonsense.....the usGA allowing this to happen is the problem. If they won't change it, then I urge a local rule to deal with this on every non usGA event.....if that is possible.
After looking at the footage again, it's not as clear as I thought it was the first time.....as her fingers were down further on initially marking, shielding the coin; when she put the ball back down again her fingers are off the turf and you can clearly see the mark....IMO it's a bit of an optical illusion making you think the ball moved to a different spot more so then it actually did. Not saying it didn't move to a different spot then originally marked, but I don't think its as clear and convincing as they are making it out to be.