FauxAmish Bankshot A pic from our trip to NC several years ago. Met and played 18 with Tim03parts. Doesn't get much better than playing a round with Tim. I hope to get a round in with him again this year.
Bankshot sdandrea1 Is that the answer to the question "What has one eye, a pink tongue and loves sex?"
Bankshot FauxAmish A better host you Will not find. I still owe him a round, but he hasn't made it up my way.
Eagleone azgreg Actually the south goes into the fetal position and makes a run on bread and milk with just the mrntion of possible flurries.
garyt1957 Anyway to stay logged in even after leaving the forum so you don't have to log in every time?
FauxAmish garyt1957 Anyway to stay logged in even after leaving the forum so you don't have to log in every time? I haven't had that problem. I just don't log out and when I come back I'm still on. Perhaps you have something in your browser settings?
jrock garyt1957 It should keep you logged in. It does for me. Maybe you have a cookie blocker that isn't allowing the cookie to be set? Another option is I just login with the Facebook button 1-click.
jrock garyt1957 Tried the FB sign up . It said "App not set up. App in development stage." Thanks for that! I had forgotten the final step of taking it out of test mode. Try it again now.