Par4QC sdandrea1 Might try a Cobra product Make it an Aerojet, so I don't have to buy one. "I....gots to know"
raggmann54 sdandrea1 Two weeks too late for me...I purchased the Cobra LTDx Max 2 weeks ago...In love with it...Difficult to slice even when I try...About 15 yards longer than the Epic Flash I had been gaming for 2 seasons...Right now the Cobra is a keeper...
raggmann54 sdandrea1 Yep…I know it’s time in the bag is finite until the next best think since sliced bread that interests me comes along…
shokosugi Steve Bravopilot Grape Nuts? How many boxes? Steve didn't say because he's probably going to trade/sell what he just traded for before the box even arrives 😜