Rickochet jrock The migration is now complete and PMs are restored. Let me know if you see any issues. Thanks! Thanks Jrock. One thing I notice missing is when you go to edit a previous post and hit the three dots you get an "edit" drop down. Seems like we used to have a "delete" option also that I don't see now that would make the post disappear to all but the author and would also give you a "restore" option if you wanted to do that later.
jrock Spuzz Hmm it could be that the DNS is taking a long time to update in Nowhere, Canada. Maybe give it a few hours and try again. Or maybe try to delete any cookies for Golfbuzz. It seems like others were able to login.
Bravopilot Spuzz Believe the company (GLAM) that owns GB is near San Fran and they seem to like the color Blue. Perhaps a blanket apology to all thoase ho like/love Blue is in order. Just sayin😎
LogicalOne jrock Hmmmm….Im not seeing The List anywhere. It’s not that easy to manage anymore on my Sprint flip-phone so I need a place here. Please and Thank You!
sdandrea1 I've noticed it's taking a lot longer for my posts to upload/appear after touching the "arrow". Is that a feature that @jrock put in to slow me down or are you all seeing that as well? I get a spinning circle for about 10-15 seconds.
Supp sdandrea1 That's just to slow you down! 😁 Actually, I think I recall that Justin did something like that back on FGI to stop Aske from binge posting.