Update on my "Wellness Exam" for March 19th. Got a bill for $127 for an "Office Visit". The Nurse Practitioner coded it as an office visit to establish care and not a wellness exam (aka physical, yearly checkup etc.).
Even though she gave me a wellness exam. 😕
Had she coded it as a wellness exam it would've been covered. But instead I owe $127 towards my deductible. I called my insurance and the billing department.
The billing dept. said I didn't get a wellness exam. 😕 I said I did along with a script for complete blood work. Called the medical office and asked for the Nurse Practitioner to call me.
Went into the portal to review the notes. Last year the doctor I saw for my physical was new to me as well. In her notes she said I was there to establish care and get a wellness exam.
She gave me the exam and I never received a bill towards my deductible because she coded it as an exam. Unfortunately she left her practice. This year the Nurse Practitioner did the same exact thing as the doctor. Gave me an exam.
But in her notes she said I was there to establish care and was a former patient of the doctor I saw last year. Nothing about getting an exam even though the complete blood work order was there.
At the bottom she wrote will get a wellness exam in 6 months. 😕 I knew when I checked out that day something was amiss because the lady said I needed to make an appointment for 6 months. 😕
I said I get a yearly exam and there was no need to comeback in 6 months. She said that I didn't get an exam. 😕 Anyway, I said I'd be back in a year.
If this doesn't get changed coding wise and I'm stuck paying the $127 I won't go back. But then when I call a new medical provider I'm going to have to ask if they code my first visit for a yearly exam as an office visit meet and greet or an exam.