"In a century", was a generalized term, not for a specific generation. You'll never know , especially with the medical advancements, we soon will be switching out old body parts for the new ones cultivated in lab with our own cell.
You have great kids, as the parents must given proper guidance and assistance along the way. Good parenting usually yield good next generations. I am also very proud of my own kids, so far they are doing everything better than their parents were, and we had tried very hard at our times to be a good person. I can't say that we offered everything they deserved, but we offered all we can.
By not wanting the parents experience I was implying to what I had seen with most of the younger generations, the go geyter, ignoring everything to get result kind. I don't know, does one needs to be mean and thoughtless when the competition heats up ? I also realize it's a build-in human progressive gene to rebel and evolve.
I hope I had taught me kids the right way. Never fall into the rat race because at the end it's not what you get but how you get there.