One of the most pleasantly surprising things I experienced while living in London for two years was drivers actually paying attention to the road instead of having their faces buried in a cellphone. It's much more strictly enforced over there, not to mention that their road lanes aren't much wider than cart-paths to begin with. You really can't take your eyes off the road for more than a second or two... otherwise you're either encroaching the lane next to you or chewing your drivers side rims all to hell running along the curb.
So I came home for a visit several months later... sitting at a red light at a 4-lane intersection, and I notice a lady in a car coming up from behind in the other lane just to the left of me. Now she wasn't going fast, she might've been doing 15-20 mph... as she went by me she was texting on her phone with both hands, no idea that the car in front of her, already stopped and waiting at the red light, was as close as it was. I was thinking to myself, "Lady, you better start slowing down" then BAM! Right into the back of the stopped car in front of her.
She frantically tossed her phone down and got out of the car, the driver of the car she run into got out of his... about that time the light changed, and naturally everyone ahead of me in my lane drove by very slowly to make sure they were both okay before moving on.
I'd be lying if I said that I've never texted while driving, but that all ended one afternoon several years ago on my way home from my golf club. I was in a rush, texting my wife on the way home to ask if she needed anything from the grocery while I was out. Just a rural, quiet 2-lane country road... I looked up and before I could react my SUV's tires were already off the shoulder and I was precisely 3 seconds away from driving head-first into a concrete culvert. Somehow by the grace of the Almighty I was able to correct the steering just enough to avoid a serious catastrophe. I was going maybe 45-50 mph... part of the concrete barrier put a huge gouge in the undercarriage body of my SUV, but thankfully it wasn't anything more than slight cosmetic damage.
After that day, I don't do that no more. If I need to text, I do it before I leave or I find a spot to pull over. It just ain't worth it! Thankful that nobody else was on that road coming the other direction that day too.
That put an end to my driving and texting real quick!