Cwing LBlack14 Steve is his name. It’s been several years. He quit playing golf and I simply lost touch with him.
Mattyv LBlack14 This is my wifes favorite picture of me and the kids, from many years ago. She even had it printed on a canvas.
LBlack14 This was one of the play things at the park I grew up in, back in the day. Thank gawd for mecuricome. Funny, because in the other park, there was a REAL tank.
mulegolf livegolf One of our favorite places to go. Very relaxing. We had to miss it this Christmas time.
rsvman2 Cool thread. I wanted to post a pic, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get my phone to cooperate. I can go to the photos and select one, but I can't get it to load into the thread. Anybody have any ideas? I'm on a Samsung.
livegolf rsvman2 Try, reply to thread, upload button (3rd to the right on my phone), and then you can see the files
FauxAmish rsvman2 Take a screenshot of the photo and post the screenshot instead. This has a smaller size than a photo.
Walterjn rsvman2 there should be a way for you to see the file size of the pic you want to post. It needs to be smaller than 2.5MB for them to post.