LBlack14 Walterjn what is that next to your hand?? I don't think I have bugs like that here... Walt, that's the 1st one I've seen, in my life. We figured out what it was, but now my gnat brain has forgot.
Walterjn LBlack14 well shit... as soon as you remember, please post it here, or I'm happy to pm you my number so you can remember and shoot me a text. That thing is big!!!
Eguller LBlack14 Walter/ is a Dobsonfly (Eastern variety). Yes....I flyfish and tie flies once in a while. 😉
Spuzz Supp Nice shot! Where is this? small parkette at the end of Church St in Keswick Ont. Cook's Bay (Lake Simcoe)
Spuzz Sarnella No Ice? Hard to see, but from halfway across to the other side, there's still thin ice. On this side, in the shallow bay, the open water was still and gave the mirror like effect.
Walterjn Mattyv beautiful pic!!! Looks like a better view than mine, and I'm maybe 30 miles from the launch site.