• Buy/Sell
  • WTT New Matrix Kujoh 85 Stiff .335 and/or Ashton X1 10.5*

Shaft is brand new and uncut (This model )http://www.matrix-golf-shafts.com/proddetail.php?prod=matrix-kujoh-85 . The Ashton X-1 is 8.5/10. It was powder-coated in gloss black with white paint fill. This was a backup head that I never needed to shaft up. I still have two. I am looking for a driver head that can give my ITB Ashton a run for it's money. I have not hit any new drivers in a loooong time.

I would like to try a Rocketballz, but I am open to offers for a "newer" era driver head. 9-10.5 would be ideal. I can add cash if necessary.