NO...not a 'for sale' post. A review.

Got the head yesterday and on 1st sight thought....mehh, just another black driver head. πŸ˜„
Matte finish on the crown, and a bit slicker/brighter finish on sole, which I had doubts about. Good looking head overall.

Put a Leveler shaft, R Flex, in it @ 46 1/2". I had ordered the weight kit so immediately went with the 12 gr. weight bringing head weight up to 205 gr.. Stock was the 5gr. weight and head weight was 200 with it. Not often the advertising is spot on with any components (weights), esp. driver heads, kudos Kelly!

The 1st thing I noticed when looking down at address was that the face looked different than when looking at it straight on. I had to put a few other drivers next to it to see that the toe is just slightly more rounded off. imo, a good thing as it gives the face a better look. The pics show how it looks different at address and straight on.
Face angle is square to my eye, which I was worried about when waiting for it. Closed is a huge nono with me.
Another worry was the fact I do not own nor play 10.5* heads, for good reason.

I did get to hit it today, the only day I will until next Spring. And, it is going to be a long wait, wanting to hit this driver even more. I put 9 hits on it and was very surprised by all of them.

#1 thing was trajectory with the 10.5. Not high, like I was expecting. Basically the same as any of my 9 heads. (low spin head Kelly??)
#2 thing was something everyone NEEDS to know, and loves to hate....the sound. Honestly, I've never felt/heard a sound like this from any driver that I can recall. Just a deep, muted, THUD, and the ball was gone as soon as it touched the face. No tink, no ding, no ringing in the earpieces🀣. Do not recall hitting any head with this sound, but I've not hit all there is.
#3 thing was distance......just as long as anything I've hit this year. And given we had 20+ mph wind today, I hit 2 into the wind that were the longest I have hit on those holes this year. So....?
#4 thing was that paint on the sole, which I had thoughts about.... shows no scratches at all!! Slick/shiny....there was a good reason for that.
#5 thing I noticed was the lie angle at 46 1/2". Just a hair flatter than others, which is great. Nothing drastic, and should be better even at 45" than most.

Not sure what more I can relate or what other things people want to know, but ask away if you want.

Nice head. Damn nice head in fact. I was skeptical, but knowing Kelly through the years, I should not have been and apologize publicly. πŸ‘

And, BTW, yes.....there are 9 ball marks on that face, although just a hair high; tee obviously was too low, but an experiment. That's the Leveler/Neuro combo!! In the FW when used. All of them.

And....I paid cold, hard earned cash for this whole set up. Good thing performance was there. 🀨

    Also, forgot about the H/C. Jeez, it is nicer than ones that sell for the price of this head alone!!
    The gloves are nice also Kelly. πŸ˜‰

    Par4QC THANK YOU for the detailed review, Rex!! Looks like you found that $100 bill I dropped into the box!!! πŸ˜‚ JK

    I do take pride in what I design, the quality of the products and the performance. Plus I’m having fun doing it and developing a lot of awesome relationships! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™‚

      rsvman2 Uh, no….it’s not that easy. 🀨

      AND, for making a silly assumption that supporting LogicalOne with one’s hard earned cash would be some sort of bribe…..🀨

      pellmell Back skirt area is def rounded. The toe area is similar, sloping. When you look straight at the face, you would not think it looks like that at address.
      I don't have my Acer SR-1 to compare.

      But having used both, there really is no comparison in performance. And both are same price...for now.

        Par4QC But having used both, there really is no comparison in performance. And both are same price...for now.

        And I think I have access to that same shaft you were using too….but I’ll have to check. πŸ€”πŸ˜Š

          LogicalOne I even have a Proto of it. πŸ˜„

          BTW, just remembering my last round the other day, and the last hole. I normally use the Sr. tees, but as it is just under 300 I figured I'd hit from the back, with the other 2 guys. Did not feel like a good hit, but it really went out there and had under 80 left to pin. Never gave it a thought til thinking about it yesterday, and realized hell....that was over 200+! 😲
          Long wait to try that again though.

            2 months later

            Subsonic 🀣 Look at the pic of the face, and my comments about them.
            So, no, no feel for the forgiveness. Maybe in the Spring I can hit some off center. πŸ˜„

            I just looked at all the logicalone clubs they are beautiful clubs. I know I’m a little late but what a nice looking lineup! Well done

            Typhoon forgiveness

            I don't really think it matters under 200 yds..
            Whatya gonna say......"I hit it kinda bad and it went short, but straight??" FML