I was in the PGASS and tried the LAB putters they had on the floor. I know we basically make everything with a putter in the store, but my god those are good putters. They are all torque balanced.

The Mezz was my favorite. It was just automatic. It just wants to keep the face square to the path. So different than face balanced or toe down putters.

The DF-1 is the one that looks like an actual branding iron. It's automatic too but it's just too big for me.
I also tried the armlock DF-1 and it too was like it's on rails.

I think I'll be looking to buy a Mezz at some point. Maybe I should trade some stuff to RBG or some other place and get one. They are not cheap. $449 for the Mezz and something above 5 for the armlock.

I tried a Bettinardi armlock and it was like a component putter compared to the LAB. Flimsy little grip, small head, no thanks. The LAB has a big long grip that really fits the armlock hold. I'm putting well enough conventionally anyway.

Anyone here have a LAB putter?

    I have a DF broomstick. I just tried the broomstick and it’s definitely different but so much more accurate than standard putting. I tried armlock
    and just couldn’t get used to it .

    I could easily be talked into selling my DF broomstick. I love it but need a putter with toe hang……..

      Tcafla I need that broomstick like I need a hole in the head. However, if the price is right....

      Tcafla Also, the armlock putters I've tried have all felt weird. This one was the first one I've tried that felt right. I think their grip helped. I could actually see going that way. It won't happen until I have my next prolonged bad spell of putting.

      DonM No, but every time I visit my fitter I play around with them. I do agree they sort of swing themselves and feel good, but even on the mat in his studio I can't make putts with it. Granted I'm using one not fit to me, but I think it's hideous (like a large bottle opener) and I've never done well with something pretty much center shafted with no hardly a sightline. I also found I kept stubbing putts and I was on a mat lol. Just not for me although the new models look a bit more promising.

      • DonM replied to this.

        KCee Yeah the Mezz is a lot less unusual looking. It has a bit of a sight line but probably not the kind you want.

        I’ve got an older Directed Force putter. I believe it’s 34” that I’d let go.

        I tried the MEZZ at the PGASS in Myrtle. I also tried a Envroll no / low torque putter while there. Each were nearly $500. I’d love to put either in the bag. Both felt exceptional. The mezz has a size I could live with.

        I currently game a low torque Odyssey Toe Up #7. I’ll post a video once I find it. Oddly enough, the video is one of the LAB guys testing and reviewing it as they had a series of short videos testing other claimed low / no torque style putters. Obviously they recommended the LAB putters over all others but they recommended the Odyssey as the best of the rest.

        A few weeks after I got my Odyssey TU, my son tried it and ordered himself one that day.

        Here’s the video by a LAB / Directed Force spokesman testing the Odyssey #7 Toe Up putter.

        Edel and Axis-1, among other companies, actually also made true torque-balanced or lie-angle balanced putters.

        There was one company from Hawaii, if I am not mistaken, that makes a wooden lle-angle balanced putter that looks and sounds really nice. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the company, though. Mr Short Game has a video up on Youtube reviewing it.

        None of these putters is economical.

        • DonM replied to this.

          rsvman2 Last week I got a used Axis1. It seems good but not like the Mezz. But I like a putter that has the face forward. Their approaches are different so they feel different.

          If you have the money to spend, get what you want. If you want a putter that works great and is a lot less money, this is an excellent putter. I had one this summer and used it several rounds before selling it. I only sold it to help 'finance' another purchase, and because it was doing the same job as my Ping, which I've had for over 12 yrs.. The Odyssey is that good.
          Jake still has his and I sometimes use it when playing together. A lot of 1 putts in those clubs 😉.

            Par4QC I'm doing well with my face balanced Odyssey Jailbird mini (small MOI type style). But the torque-balanced ones really swing differently. You don't realize how much torque your hands have to control in a face balanced putter until you swing a torque free one. The big MOI style face balanced putters with rear COG have a ton of torque that is wanting to open the face at impact. So our hands have to counteract that force.

            I've got a real relaxed grip and stroke and I think that it's not a positive for me to have to work against that torque to keep the face square. It seems like a variable that could be gotten rid of. Others might need it or at least be so used to it that they have to have it. I can see how someone could pick up a torque free putter and miss everything.