• Buy/Sell
  • Callaway Rogue ST Max 10.5* Head Only

For Sale: Callaway Rogue ST Max 10.5* Head only. Excellent Condition, Comes with matching head cover.

  1. SOLD


    Opportunity for someone to have an excellent driver head and fit it with the shaft of choice.

    Great head. Demoed this driver not too long ago and thought it was a bit nicer than my Epic Max LS.

    Out of all the Callaway drivers with AI and Jailbreak technology this is the best one so far.

    Baaab I have the 2016 fusion head. Wonder if this rogue uses the same adapter?


      It appears that it will since both take the double cog adapter based on what I just looked up.

      This is what the adapter looks like for the Rogue ST

      It indeed looks like the same adapter. Are there any trades you would consider or trades plus $ ?


        I’m just looking to sell since I don’t need anything else. If you want it I’ll do $200 shipped.


          $200 shipped is a great deal boys. I have the triple◇◇◇ version and it's the cream of the crop for sound, feel and performance, and the matte finish takes it up a notch further

            I'd be all over it if it was $100 cheaper 🤣😎

            Beautiful deal Baaab. I demoed this monster in Fl. Real deal with the right shaft.

            Great Deal for someone! Baab's a stand-up guy and sells High Quality stuff for Excellent Prices!

            Had to give this an a bump to get past all the spam that’s on the first page 👍🏼

              Baaab thanks for the response. Gotta decide if I should add this head to my mountain of ... Good luck with sale.


                No problem…..it is one of the best drivers heads out there currently. IMO best driver Callaway has put out on the market.