sdandrea1 PXG 0211 5w was a shitbag today. Couldn't have been me or my swing. Something happened to the club.
Par4QC sdandrea1 Couldn't have been me or my swing. Something happened to the club. awshit, you must have married the damn thing! And that is exactly why it is not putting out when YOU want it to now. 😄
Typhoon sdandrea1 PXG 0211 5w was a shitbag today. This belongs in the Papa D Club Review thread. BTW…$12 shipped…
sdandrea1 colej That massive swing, you probably caved the face in?!?? I couldn't dent a marshmallow with my swing......🤣
sdandrea1 Par4QC awshit, you must have married the damn thing! And that is exactly why it is not putting out when YOU want it to now. We're separated now........divorce could be possible.
Typhoon sdandrea1 Par4QC awshit, you must have married the damn thing! And that is exactly why it is not putting out when YOU want it to now. We're separated now........divorce could be possible. That’s why Mama D walks on eggshells if she burns dinner.
sdandrea1 Typhoon That’s why Mama D walks on eggshells if she burns dinner. That woman is not afraid of me, trust me.
pellmell colej I had it measured at Golfmart. It does sit open, but when the face is squared the loft measures 9 degrees. I was told some soles on adjustable drivers are not designed to be used as a reference for measuring purposes, which I don't understand.
backinit pellmell If you look at the seam in the floor it appears that the shaft is forward and not square at address.
sdandrea1 Just turn the damn thing to the left a few degrees and it will look square. You're welcome.
Typhoon You guys are nuts. What did you expect for $65? You’re lucky the grip is on straight… or is it…🤔
Sparky Typhoon You’re lucky the grip is on straight… or is it Grips are straight, but the shafts are put on at a 8* slant. Or 188* slant for leftys.
sdandrea1 Typhoon You guys are nuts. What did you expect for $65? I paid $89 for the 5w and the trade in value is $65. Waiting for the +30% bonus offers! 🤣