So I went for a PXG driver fitting today. It's a steal at $25. I wanted to get on a launch monitor for awhile now and no way can I rent a Trackman for an hour around here for $25. And they did use Trackman at my location. So if you're at all curious about your numbers I highly recommend PXG.
Now the good news and the bad news, well it's mostly bad news , I suck. First swing speed, I was swinging at a measly 85 mph. But even worse my spin numbers were through the roof due to a massive negative angle of attack. I was often in the 4000.spin range! Holy rotations Batman, that's terrible. I was hitting down as much as 4*! Distance was topping out at 200 except for a couple that I evened out my AofA and got to 220.
But at least it proved to me that my problems are all swing related, ( I know, duh). Nothing he tried brought my spin down. No shaft head combo was any better than the next or what I have now, in fact on the course my wishon beat everything he had, but on the monitor it was the same .
When they told me they'd put the $25 to any club I bought I figured it was crazy to pass. I was already out the $25 ( and it was worth every penny) so for another $95 I get a brand new driver. Seemed like a no brainer, even though nothing was better than I have. I took the combo that worked the best but now I wished I had gotten the 29 gram ( yes 29 grams!) Bassara shaft as I picked up 6 mph ss with it. But it seemed to go right on me , as did everything for the most part. But on the course right is not a problem for me. With the 60 day guarantee I should have just tried it out on the course.
Seriously thinking of ordering one with that shaft and just returning this one.
Edit to add : just saw that Bassara shaft is a $300 upgrade, F that !