ThatGolfGuy rsvman The website is a work in progress, I've got some general info up right now but will have more up in the coming weeks.
Provisional ThatGolfGuy Good to see post from Almo again Hope fortune has turned friendly for him Interesting wedge on his site with design I've not seen before. Humm Can't have too many wedges, I've heard.
ThatGolfGuy Sorry for the delay in responding to your questions. Steve has been having trouble with his eyes and can't read this site from his phone. He said you can reach him on Facebook though since the lettering is easier for him to read. We will have more info for everyone real soon, we are just making sure we get this project done right and don't want to rush anything.
Release ThatGolfGuy Jeff Bezos is trying to overrun , takeover everyone's business. Ever seen a snake trying to swallow an elephant ?
Typhoon LBlack14 Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I think that's because the shirts would then have to be made from canvas.
Par4QC Thought I read on FB where Steve said they were all sold out. Never checked, waiting on the polos myself.
ThatGolfGuy Par4QC It looked like they were sold out because of an issue with the shopping program on the website. I've got it fixed now with a link that takes you directly to the shirts. The moment we have polos available I'll let you guys know.
LBlack14 Provisional we're missing his posts Wish him quick healing and return to form He's been posting on Facebook. He's been handicapping the football games, talking about LD. He's perfect so far on the football games.
Release Steve could either get a larger screen on the cell or max out the text reading. I understand how frustrated when he has issues to be dealt with.
ThatGolfGuy LBlack14 LBlack14 Never fully introduced myself sorry, The name is Shawn Allan, I previously owned Sinister Golf. I am now partners with Steve in the OMG venture.
Provisional ThatGolfGuy Humm, Two S.A.s , own OMG, OMG! SORRY , can't resist sometimes, call me an SA too, if you like . Hoping to see lots more from you SAs.
ThatGolfGuy Just a quick update for everyone, We have reached the production stage of our first project. You can see info and Pics at OMG.GOLF
ThatGolfGuy FauxAmish In the Golf World SA Is the partnership of Steve Almo and Shawn Allan or OMG.GOLF but in other places, it's my cousin lol
Provisional ThatGolfGuy yea, When I was referred to as SA it was less than a compliment. Not so with you all I must add