Walterjn sdandrea1 indeed they are... Although, there are those few who play 'long rules' well. Long, accurate, and mellow almost boring golf and are not pro.
Typhoon sdandrea1 It's funny how EZ those guys are to spot. Same age group, same dressing style, playing from the tips, 5 hours later lost 12 balls, shot 100 and go shopping for stiffer shafts and blades. At our place we call those people “shooters “
Typhoon My swing has been good lately and today I put that same LZ in a p790 and hit it well enough to want to hit it on the GC2 Quad. Want to see how it stacks up against the MMT 105 and ctaper lite given its a different profile.
freebowlofsoup CallMeAl Man what a deal 😂 Jimmy King 6116 Tiffield Way Wake Forest, NC 27587 Let me know what I owe you. Are they still gripped?
Par4QC mgrin As far as I know, yes. Just measured the 5i and it's 37 7/8, so may be 1/8 under on lengths. Don't know if that is a Ping thing or not.
Par4QC Boy, Red Forman would love me. No 5i. That was the 6i and it is 37 3/4". Never take a late, unintentional, nap. 😅
mgrin Par4QC Haha I get it. I think I am going to go take a nap and decide if I want to make you an offer in the morning.