sdandrea1 I don't know if she has or not. Her husband passed away a few years ago from cancer, and she is just now been busy going through everything she has that is related to her/their business, and organizing it all as of late. I was able to get her and a couple of her employees (also buddies of mine) out to the range yesterday.
She use to play with her husband before he got cancer, after well she was trying to run their business and take care of him. She keeps threatening to have a business golf outing, yet so far I'm the only one who has much recent playing practice. Her business has kind of "sponsored" me I use that in the loosest way possible, as I show up to her warehouse and help my buddies with easy stuff so they can keep being productive. That's how I would be getting in on the company golf outing...
I just figure that if I can get her clubs gripped with something she can hold comfortably, she should be good to go.