---I didn't win these but I'd been watching them. I haven't bought a golf related item since 2/13 that I can recall but I saw these floundering around a bid of 10 bucks and, this is unbelievable. A set of Yonex V-Mass for that? Of course, you knew they'd go higher but I was shocked where they ended. Even at old swap shop pricing these are the steal of all steals.

Do you think the seller is actually going to ship these? Would you if you were the seller and saw how drastically low these ended?

Wow what a deal. I wouldnt start them off that low. Thats a tough lesson for the seller. I would ship them but wouldnt be too happy about it either. Somedays you are the bug some days the windshield.

seems like a reputable seller,so hopefully he ships.

the v mass is a great head, next time a little heads up would be nice, if your not buying them.


    Ha ha! I was going to bid them but forgot. Heard my 15 min. warning go off on my phone and thought it was just some shipping update for something I'd already purchased. By the time I picked up the phone to see the update it hit me that it was the Yonex listing. I looked at it 2 hours previous but somehow didn't make the connection when the warning hit.

    I should've let you know. I see deals like this from time to time on the bay.

    If it were me, I would ship, no matter the price. But I've had a few things cancelled on me because they slipped through the cracks and my bid didn't satisfy the seller. My brother-in-law is waiting on a set of CG16 Blacks that he got for a song -- he was the only bidder. But the guy is supposedly sending them, so we'll see.


      That is the big downside to ebay... even if you win, you can still lose. I've been there a few times. I find some incredible deals but every time I find one, that thought of the seller not shipping becomes real because it's happened as it has before. Part of me didn't want to bid the Yonex set so low because I thought there was no way he'd actually ship them for what they were at which was around 10 bucks with a little over 2 hours to go. Can't imagine selling a set of clubs that were as expensive as those for 10 bucks with shipping. He didn't do much better with a winner at $36. You can't buy a dozen quality golf balls for that hardly anymore.