Any of you Buzzers have a set of these Limited Edition beauties? I had never heard or seen them until this morning and they look amazing!
P790 Copper Aged irons
VaughnRoss Have seen pics of them, never in person though. If looking to buy, I'm sure they may be higher priced than if new, if considered collectible. TaylorMade site yesterday said sold out.
I've got a nice set of PING Eye2 Copper Beryllium. They're "aged". Does that count?
Think I might pull the trigger on a local set here.....
Maybe I could let my set totally rust out and get that look.
Dan, was your rust on the face or cavity? And how many sets did they replace? My boss said he’s never seen it. I’ve seen it on the fitting heads, he probably doesn’t notice
Never knew there was a demand for this kind of thing but King has a set as well.