sdandrea1 Can someone PLEASE point me to a gas can that doesn't require 4 hands to release the fucking petrol out? I may go to a flea market and look for antique gas cans. This new stuff is bullshit.
sdandrea1 Walterjn Trying to get away from the push-button-slider-unlock-twist-kiss-my-ass fixtures. I guess I'm fighting OSHA or UL or somebody.
sdandrea1 Never mind. Problem solved. Gas Can Spout Replacement 5 gal Easy to Install, Gas Can Nozzle Replacement 5 gallon, Fit for Most 1/2/5/10 Gallon Gas Can(3 kit), Include Gas Can Spouts for Older Gas Cans, Easy Pour Gas Can Spout
Eguller sdandrea1 Thank you... I was about to post something vile about gas cans also. I'll have to check out this fix. 👍
colej This is what I have and it’s the cats ass.
Walterjn colej now that is a cool gas can. Not sure I could justify the cost of it. Most of the time I just use a gas can and a funnel, that serves my purposes.
LBlack14 Yeah, I'm not paying $60 for a fucking gas can. I have 3 of these, 2 of which, I think I picked up off the side of the road.
KCee LBlack14 If you see any more laying around I'll buy them! Bought 2 new cans last year to go with the generator and they're awful. You need 3 hands to use one of them while the other spills gas. As an engineer there's nothing I despise more than piss poor design.
Dufferman I too have the old school spouted gas cans, One 5 gal, two 2.5 gal and a small 1 gal. We have some of the new fangled cans at school. I would almost rather take off the spout and use a funnel. Some of them are impossible to use. I get they are to prevent pollution but come on!
Rickochet Get what ever cheap ass can you can find and use one of these. I have one and it takes one D cell battery and does a great job. Geezer friendly. Just leave the can on the ground, stick the pump in the can, put the hose in the mower, car whatever and hit the toggle switch on top. You can see the fuel flow in the translucent hose.
sdandrea1 Subsonic We will add gas can use as a seniors lunch and learn event. Make sure you serve easy-to-chew food and bring some denture glue.
Bravopilot Subsonic Funny, very funny. These lunches are must-see TV. Gas can use Ferrule color selection Install oven/range vents How to avoid using USPS and look up shipping costs for days Netflix viewing Does Spuzz wear something Blue daily?? PayPal and the IRS
colej LBlack14 Fueling up without spilling shit everywhere. I will use them when I’m doing my side work which is nice not having to bring a funnel everywhere I go.
colej Walterjn I’ve seen it happen before. Guys spill shot everywhere while they’re filling up equipment and that gas spills on a hot exhaust. It won’t take much.