Par4QC sdandrea1 Yeah, that's also going to be a fun trip. 😉 I've been waiting for over 2 1/2 months for a decision, after getting ripped off by an internet seller. I keep getting email blasts from GS&D every day. But can't/won't order due to your problem.
sdandrea1 Par4QC I keep getting email blasts from GS&D every day. But can't/won't order due to your problem. I get them too. Plenty of service on the sales end.
Par4QC colej It's a catch-all type name. Baseball gloves, iron covers, etc.. Apparently they don't have much in the way of iron covers any more, from what he sent me. He got pissed when I called him a fraud. Imagine! 😄
sdandrea1 @Par4QC I started a claim in PayPal. They sent a message to GolfStealsandDeals. Vendor's ass woke up, responded to my message (finally) and made another shipment. They got here today. Rex, any tip trimming advice? I got the M flex.
Par4QC sdandrea1 What the heck is the M flex? I only saw R & S. But, I did see a chart from a guy on Ebay that is selling the same shafts($148 set 🤣). 4i trim is 1/2", and 1/2" successively. (is that even a word? Can we say it on GB??)
Rickochet Par4QC What the heck is the M flex? It is Mediator flex, which is half way between two flexes. 😝