Spuzz On initial look, it didn't appear that the ball was close enough to the wall to interfere with his backswing. Curiously, instead of dwelling on the variables of an official ruling that could affect the immediate outcome of a tournament, the TV broadcast didn't even show the ball position or most of the rules discussion, just Rory marking and dropping a ball on a significantly lesser slope than the initial position it came to rest. Perfectly fine if that was actually the valid point of nearest relief and relief was appropriate, but when I first saw it, it looked like there was 3 to 4 feet between the ball and the wall. I believe that if he took a stance angled with the slope like he would if the shot were to be played from the initial spot, there would've been plenty of clearance. I suppose a player is allowed to take whatever stance he feels like even if it is not standard for the shot, but without seeing him demonstrate the interference that is hard to interpret.