Where did this constant fiddling with the golf ball phenomenon get started? Isn't "play it as it lies" the main tenet of golf as a game?
I figure some of it is the recreational golfer improving their lie cuz the difficult lie is to hard to play and it's the modern way of making everything in life as easy as it can be.
Or I see pro's use the rules to benefit themselves so I don't really know the rules but so what I going to perch my ball up on an even easy lie. How do you learn how to play difficult shots from various lie situations if you never play the ball from these harder to pull off situations?
My only issue with these kinds of golfers who constantly fiddle with the ball is fine play that way but when you get done and say you shot 39 for 9 and really shot 51 then don't crow about it. Keep your mouth shut and don't display your ignorance around your playing partners.
I realize golf is a difficult game for the majority but isn't what why we play the game as it's designed to be more challenging? Or just play tiddlywinks?