CallMeAl Please cancel this thread and my subscription.
Whoa....hold on there just a sec.
I don't know either of you, or anything about either of you. BUT....I read that you did play together at DS and this is sort of when the deal was offered. Now, Al, you want to cancel completely out of the forum? What about DS next year....not going to attend because of something like this? What about you, James, are you also not going to attend DS next year because of this?
Makes no damn sense to give up something exciting(?) as a golf outing over something so trivial, as it turns out. And, what I assume to be, a bit of a 'friendship'.
IMO.....someone(either one) just needs to pick up the phone & make a call. Shit happens, and this was not critical shit from either end! And it was well taken care of, if I read things correctly. Then partner up at DS next year!!