Hi everybody, it is great to feel your passion for our favorite Game.
As a Coach, my work is to help players to grow new abilities/skills to PLAY Golf with less cognitive and physical tensions.
Also, to help them to become more efficient and to finally reach the "Graal", to become "Competent and Non-Conscious" like if you were getting down a stair case or walking.
So, I do not use any method which will stop every "learning process". Let's say I'm very keen to GIVE my students the TOOLS to LEARN... I like to tell them WHAT to do not HOW to do !
Bill's discovered that swinging and walking are using the same "kinematic sequence". It becomes easier for Golfers then to understand that we do not walk using our arms first ! Neither for swinging the club...
Once we understand and feel the process, then we personalize the concept respecting the "motor skill preferences" of the player and avoid any injuries issues, due to improper mouvement. We respect the "blue print" of our players.
Since 1995 I've been working with the Genius Bill Owens and spend my time researching on how to simplify and switch the "teaching method" for a positive and safe "learning process" and more important, how the "Human Brain" learns...
I'm very proud and honored to learn today from a few Top Coach, like Bill Owens, Mike Adams, Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriot and more recently Michael Hebron. Thanks to him for sharing so many insights about the Nature of Learning !
So with the help of Nicholas Middleton, European Tour Putting Coach, we have created FlowMotion Golf in 2013.
The aim of FMG is to offer, to the vast majority of players, a complete educational tool from Putting to Full Swing and to help players to become efficient and more simple with their skill task.
We do change the way people is seeing and living the Game. Mindset before skill set !
I can't wait to share all these in English videos.
Stay tuned and enjoy life, PLAY Golf !😍