I think instead of total fear, we are living in a society where people go ape shit when they don't get their way.
There is a sense of entitlement and a lack of manners and discipline. I am sure that every generation says this of the next, but how little regard many have for their fellow humans now is unbelievable.
I could go on and on, and I don't know how to fix it, but it seems so many people have very little patience, or tolerance with each other and are very quick to escalate minor problems. The things I have seen adults do in front of their kids, it is hard to tell who is the adult.
My view isn't everyone has to be raised in the "Leave it to Beaver" parenting model, but kids always learn by example and if the parents act like idiots, it is hard not to expect the kids to end up the same. Not always, but more than don't.
Off my soapbox, but poor examples, produce a poor society. I would rather be a poor, honest man who is moral, than a financially successful person who is not.