Yes, but....When I started there I left a place with the asst. The super told me that if I would suffer 30 hrs a week and what they paid me for a year, their budget was going to rise significantly and there would be a position, 40 hrs and year round employment. Their budget went up alright, bunch of new equipment, overhauled the clubhouse completely inside and out. Spend like drunken sailors, but nothing else came my way. I love the asst like a brother, but it's time for me to move on. I'm unemployed in my mind. I need to get out of the business as there's nothing there for 30 yrs experience without a degree, or so it seems. I have 2 other guys at different facilities that want me to work for them so I have places to go and will, if that's what it comes down to, but I'm pretty much done where I was. My resume says "golf course" for 30 yrs so I'm not having much luck finding anything else. It's a viscous cycle and it's not been good for me or my family. I fucked up not doing something else when I was a young man, now I feel I'm stuck.