Sneakylong As someone coming from another country, when we hear people in the US defend the right to bear arms and say things like "Guns don't kill people; people kill people," we often wonder if these people have ever compared the murder rate and the number of gun related deaths in the US to these stats in other countries. The differences are staggering.
In fact, I'm surprised that you only have 30% of the occurrences of mass killings. Does that stat include all countries? If you reduce the pool of countries to "developed" countries, say, the G10, I'm betting the percentage becomes much higher. For example, I believe we've only had around 30 recorded mass killings in Canada since the 1600s. I think these events are just as rare in the other G10 countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. The US has about one mass killing per day! (EDIT: This may be "mass shooting" per day, per mikeintopeka's question below. Nonetheless, your stats for gun related injuries, deaths, and homicides are sobering.)