I ordered this driver head a few weeks ago along with an Aldila NVS 65 in stiff. I finally assembled it the other day at 44" total length, midsize grip built up 3 layers on the bottom hand, and C6 swing weight. It came out to 326 grams in weight, which is heavy for me. I played 54 holes today and really only had 4 bad drives, and those were the first 4 holes. After my 4th slice in a row, I realized I wasn't getting a full shoulder turn and in effect was getting too armsy. After that it was mostly fairways.
Feel for this driver/shaft combo was ok at best. I'm typically a big fan of Aldila shafts, but this one felt too firm, much like the NV does. Not harsh, just firmer than I like. Trajectory for the most part was mid to low, which surprised me considering the 10.5 loft and mid flight characteristics of the shaft. I could really get after it with this combo with no fear of a big hook. I did have a few slight pulls, tho not bad.
Distance-this is where the rubber meets the road on driver heads like this huh? I'm not gonna tell you this is the longest driver or longest drives I've ever hit, because I'd be lying to you if I did. But, it's not bad. I did hit some impressive drives today. This thing got some really good rollout, too. For the most part I out drove my playing partners most of the day, but I've done that with other drivers, too. We probably hit it about as far as most "honest" golfers our age, 220-240. Occasionally I poke one 280, but that's usually downhill. This driver may be on average slightly longer than most, slightly. But the thing I found most impressive was the fact that it was a fairway finder with overall good distance to boot. I may try an NVS 55 in it to see if putting it on a diet helps with distance, yet still keeps it between the trees. It'll probably stay in the bag for a bit.