If someone is not ready and they are not in your line of fire or a distraction, fire away.
Honors on the tee are great, but not important unless it is a serious match.
Start reading your putt before you walk onto the green.
I use the following example with my middle school golfers.
A foursome is playing.
Each player shoots 100.
Each player takes 5 unnecessary seconds to play each shot.
5 seconds X 100 shots X 4 players = 2,000 seconds divided by 60 seconds in a minute =
33 minutes your foursome added to the round. The tip of the iceberg.
Plus, always keep 3 tees, a coin, 2 balls and a ball mark repairer in your pocket at all times. It bugs the crap out of me when someone walks to the tee, to discover they don't have a tee to use. Yes, I'm old and you are on my lawn!
Sorry, I'm a math person.