I used to enjoy fishing every now and then, but haven't been in years. If I had a nice bass boat, that could easily change. But... not on the agenda at the moment, especially considering that the nearest lake is nearly 45 minutes away and isn't exactly a hot spot for the local bass fishing enthusiasts.
I strum guitar (take lessons here and there), have a Taylor GS Mini acoustic and a Fender Strat electric. Although I'll never be a concert performer, it gives me something to do once in a while.
I enjoy cooking, too. A nice evening in the kitchen, whipping up something special, while sipping a glass or two of wine and some tunes going on the bluetooth has become my oasis. Some would argue I'm a better "chef" than I am a golfer, but that's not necessarily saying much. I like trying new recipes and have finally figured out over the years that the prep work prior to a home-cooked meal, while tedious, is ultimately the difference between average and exceptional. It also helps to have a flair for not being afraid to try something different, especially when it comes to spices, garlic, ginger, etc. And good cutlery too. Can't forget quality, chef-grade knives. Cheap dull knives are more dangerous than razor-sharp ones, as you tend to pay a little more respect to the ones that can send you to the emergency room in a heartbeat.