VaughnRoss Component club project back on! Looking for .370 shafts to fit Dynacraft Prophet Tours. Thanks.
Rickochet FST 115 steel shafts. These are the best steel shafts I have ever used. $5.95 each and I think VG offers a 10% forum discount if you sign up.
candukid I have a set of used shafts, but cannot even ship them to the States for the price that VG sells and ships for...
SVonhof Hireko has the Apollo steel shafts that are a great bargain as well: Stepped for $3.50 each: Stepless for $4 each:
Rickochet SVonhof Hireko has the Apollo steel shafts that are a great bargain as well: Stepped for $3.50 each: Stepless for $4 each: I have played both. The FST shafts have a much better feel for me. I have tried the Apollo offerings in various flexes and trims and they always felt a bit on the harsh side. YMMV The FST's are very consistant in weight and flex as well.
SVonhof Rickochet That is fair. I have never done comparisons and have never hit FST's that I know of.
sdandrea1 Don't forget Apollo Acculites if you want something in the sub 90g category. Soft tip, high launch - $12
customgolfcenter sdandrea1 Those Acculites all play pretty soft for each flex, so make sure to check swings speed ratings first.